About Tropix Laundromat & Lavado Laundry
We are a family owned and operated business. Once you use one of our facilities or services, we like to think of it as you joining our family and community. To show appreciation to you, we provide free soap and reduced pricing on certain days. We also provide free snacks, food and coffee through out the year on numerous occasions.
Clean laundry is absolutely essential to peoples lives. On top of the hygienically important need to have clean laundry, everyone should have access to the latest, most advanced laundry equipment as well as a clean, safe environment to do it in. You are the most important part of our business. We genuinely care for you and your well being, so we strive to provide you with amazing laundry service, incredible customer service and a modern, safe facility that is constantly cleaned and disinfected.
Our commitment to the community goes beyond just our services and our facilities. We participate in community out-reach and development and provide laundry services to community programs serving those in need. We also donate to local charities and partner up with local businesses and institutions working to help build up our local communities and the under-served.
Be on the look out for our free wash days as well, where every machine in the store is completely FREE. We appreciate you and our community that much!
Follow our twitter account for real-time announcements for these events.